Yuzu Urara
Pickled Radish with Yuzu PeelChopped radishes with their peel on are pickled with candied yuzu peel and yuzu juice, It is a refreshing pickles which have light sweetness and good crispness and goes well with a main dish and Japanese tea.

Haru no Kaorina
Spring Pickles of Radish, Turnip and Canola LeafRadishes, turnips and canola leaves are lightly pickled with Irizake which is a traditional seasoning sauce from the Edo period. With its vivid colors and the flavor of seasonal canola leaf, it makes you feel that the spring is already coming.

Nanohana Zuke
Salt-pickled Canola LeafFreshly cropped canola leves are salt-pickled. Its brigt green color and flavor brings the joy of the spring to the table.

Salt‐pickled Red Turnip with Canola LeafFresh red turnip and canola leaf is salt pickled, Its red and green color enlivens meal in spring. Its thick sliced turnip takes the richness and good crispness of fresh seasonal harvest.

Nagaimo Sakuragoromo
Pickled yam with Sakura LeafFresh Chinese yams are pickled and wrapped carefully with Sakura leaf. Immitating Japansese seasonal Wagashi Sakura-mochi, this serves as a side dish and a refreshment for tea. Its flaly texture and scent of cherry blossom attracts not only Japanese people but also people from abroad.

Shio Rakkyo
Salt-Pickled ShallotsYoung shallots available for a limited time are salt pickled. Its unique pungency and crispy texture attracts our savvy customer. It is delicious to eat them with dipping miso sauce.

Takenoko Dashizuke
salt-pickled Chinese cabbage with YuzuFresh young banboo are boiled and pickled in dashi broth. Its crispy texture goes well with steamed rice and washoku meals.

Ohka Zuke
Salt-pikled Cherry BlossomsCherry blossoms in Izu called "Botan Zakura"are salt-pikled. It can be used for Sakura-cha and as seasoning for cooking